Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Two Yellow Iris

This painting was complicated to paint in watercolors. With each watercolor floral that I have completed since this one the procedure has gotten a little easier. This painting has sold but I may have others that you may be interested in. I do have note cards available. Original 11 x 22 watercolor.

California Coast

We walked along the path overlooking this beautiful view in California. I spent most of my childhood close by roaming the art galleries in Carmel By the Sea. This scene was just as it had been 40 years earlier when I walked this same path. This painting is not for sale.
Oil on 11 x 14 canvas.

Red Poppy

This bright red poppy was fun to do. It has sold and I know there will be more to come. Oil on 9 x 12 canvas. Every few months I get in to the explosive "red" mode where every tube I pick up
seems to be a shade of red!

Henry's Orchid

I painted this painting because of my dear friend Henry. He grows the most beautiful orchids and occasionally brings them to my painting class for all to share. I couldn't resist painting this one. This painting has sold but I may have others very soon. Watercolor on paper.

Supreme Sultan Iris

Painting this piece was an exercise in patience. This painting has sold, but I love to paint the iris so I know there will be more to come.
Watercolor on paper 11 x 22

Single Yellow Iris

This is a large yellow iris painted with transparent watercolor.
It has sold but I am sure I will paint others.
Watercolor on paper 14 x 22.